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Testimonial : « The Impact of Childhood Decisions: My Life After Early Gender Transition »
Short summary of the Cass review
Manifesto - Pas en notre nom - Not in our name
Haute Autorité de santé recommendations on transidentity: a danger for the physical and mental integrity of young people
Care for minors with ‘gender dysphoria’: Questioning the medical protocol applied by gender clinics
VIDEO - Gender transition: staggering recommendations from the HAS - The viewpoint of Céline Masson
Céline Masson and Caroline Eliacheff: ‘By trying to facilitate the gender transition of young people, France is going against all its European neighbours’.
When the French Health Authority prefers gender theory to medicine
Actualité Transition
Céline Masson and Caroline Eliacheff: ‘By trying to facilitate the gender transition of young people, France is going against all its European neighbours’.
OPS PRESS RELEASE - 13 December 2024
Editorial: The Cass Review - implications and reassurance for practitioners
Gender identity services for children and young people: navigating uncertainty through communication, collaboration and care
Actualité Transition
Actualité DéTransition
Identity Crisis: The Detransitioner Taking on Planned Parenthood
News release
Lawsuits by Regretful ‘Detransitioners’ Take Aim at Medical Establishment’s Support for Gender-Transition Treatments for Minors
Detransition and Desistance Among Previously Trans-Identified Young Adults
Actualité DéTransition
Actualité & réseaux sociaux
Digital Distractions and Misinformation
Social media as an incubator of personality and behavioral psychopathology: Symptom and disorder authenticity or psychosomatic social contagion?
Sturm und Drang under media control - the suffering of the younger generation
Press release from the Comité Laïcité République Caroline Eliacheff censored: fascist methods
Autres actualités
‘There are only two biological sexes. That's where our knowledge ends. ’
Major Pediatric Gender Studies, Major Flaws
On Point'The evidence was disappointingly poor': The full interview with Dr. Hilary Cass
"Not so fast" - Céline masson and Caroline eliacheff - Gender Clinic News