Sapere Aude!
dare know !
Horace (epistle, I,2,40)
Conference ● 24.09.23
● David BELL, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, former consultant psychiatrist at the Tavistock Clinic, he initiated a report in 2018 denouncing the overly rapid medicalisation of minors who identify as trans at the Tavistock Clinic's GIDS (the largest paediatric centre of its kind in the world).
● José Manuel ERRASTI PEREZ, Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Oviedo, Spain, co-author of a book published in Spain in 2022, Personne ne naît dans un mauvais corps : le succès et la misère de l'identité de genre (No one is born in the wrong body: the success and misery of gender identity)
● Silvia CARRASCO, lecturer in anthropology at the University of Barcelona, author of a report on the transidentification of minors in Catalonia
● Christian FLAVIGNY, child psychiatrist, member of the Observatoire la Petite Sirène, author of several books on the subject and a forthcoming book, Comprendre le phénomène transgenre - la solution par la culture française
● Jean SZLAMOWICZ, linguist, university professor, author of Les moutons de la pensée (2022)
● Dany-Robert DUFOUR, philosopher, author of Le phénomène trans (2023)
● François RASTIER, linguist, author of a forthcoming book, Petite mystique du genre
● Patrick MILLER, psychiatrist psychoanalyst
● Jean-François SOLAL, psychiatrist psychoanalyst
● Anne Laure BOCH, neurosurgeon, philosopher
● They will be talking to members of the Little Mermaid Observatory, Béryl KOENER, Céline MASSON, Samuel VEISSIERE et Caroline ELIACHEFF.
David BELL, Samuel VEISSIERE and Béryl KOENER
● David BELL, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, former consultant psychiatrist at the Tavistock Clinic, he initiated a report in 2018 denouncing the overly rapid medicalisation of minors who identify as trans at the Tavistock Clinic's GIDS (the largest paediatric centre of its kind in the world).
Frédéric and his daughter Léa, a desisteuse
● Frédéric, Founder of AMQG Association pour une Approche Mesurée des Questionnements de Genre chez les jeunes (Switzerland)
Experience in Spain with José Manuel ERRASTI PEREZ and Silvia CARRASCO
● José Manuel ERRASTI PEREZ, Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Oviedo, Spain, co-author of a book published in Spain in 2022, Personne ne naît dans un mauvais corps : le succès et la misère de l'identité de genre (No one is born in the wrong body: the success and misery of gender identity)
● Silvia CARRASCO, lecturer in anthropology at the University of Barcelona, author of a report on the transidentification of minors in Catalonia
Christian FLAVIGNY, Patrick MILLER and Jean-François SOLAL
● Christian FLAVIGNY child psychiatrist, member of the Observatoire la Petite Sirène, author of several books on the subject and a forthcoming book, Comprendre le phénomène transgenre - la solution par la culture française
● Patrick MILLER, psychiatrist psychoanalyst
● Jean-François SOLAL, psychiatrist psychoanalyst
Les linguistes, Jean SZLAMOWICZ - François RASTIER avec la conclusion d'Anne Laure BOCH
● Jean SZLAMOWICZ, linguist, university professor, author of Les moutons de la pensée (2022)
● François RASTIER,linguist, author of a forthcoming book, Petite mystique du genre
● Anne Laure BOCH, neurosurgeon, philosopher