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Continuing Professional Education

On-site training

Understanding adolescents questioning their gender.

Limited seating capacity.


PARIS (lieu à préciser)


2 days (2PM)


February 7 and 8, 2025 (9:30 AM - 5:30 PM)


Wilfried Gontran, Céline Masson, Dominique Crestinu et Beryl Koener


All professionals interested in the topic (maximum 20 people)




€790 (with OPCO eligible agreement - QUALIOPI certification); individual registration: €550. A continuing education certificate will be provided.

Intra-institutional training available (please contact us).

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  • Provide a space for information on current controversies and research that helps understand requests for transition during adolescence, in order to design responses that align with the underlying psychological issues.

  • Present the challenges and controversies surrounding the prescription of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones during adolescence.

  • Convey theoretical frameworks, particularly regarding adolescent psychological issues, to guide a reflection that can address the magnitude of the phenomenon and navigate the contradictions among its various approaches.

  • Offer a space for co-construction on how our clinical practices are challenged by these new forms of adolescent distress. This training aims for each participant to contribute to their own questioning and that of other participants.

Presentation of the speakers

Wilfried GONTRAN (Toulouse)

Psychoanalyst, Teacher in Psychology at Toulouse Jean-Jaurès University (for 20 years, holder of the course "Adolescent Psychological Issues and Specific Psychopathology" in the Master's program in Child and Adolescent Psychology). He has experience as a psychologist in psychiatric care institutions for adolescents. A trainer for 25 years, he also conducts supervision and practice analysis within healthcare, medico-social, social, and judicial institutions in France and Vietnam, as well as consulting interventions in French-speaking countries.

Céline MASSON (Paris)

Psychoanalyst, Professor of Universities in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Member of the Center for the History of Societies, Sciences, and Conflicts at the University of Picardy Jules Verne. She is the president of Pandora (French Association for Research on Creation Processes), co-responsible for the Child Protection University Diploma at Paris Cité University, co-director with Caroline Eliacheff of the Observatory of Ideological Discourses on Children and Adolescents (La Petite Sirène), and co-author with C. Eliacheff of La fabrique de l’enfant transgenre (The Making of the Transgender Child).

Dr Beryl KOENER (Bruxelles)

Child Psychiatrist, Doctor of Neuropsychopharmacology, trained in systemic and family psychotherapy at CEFORES. She has experience as a hospital practitioner in emergency services (including psychiatric emergencies), maternity, neonatology, pediatrics, and in Residential Services for Youth (SRJ). She currently practices consultation within multidisciplinary centers, with a constant focus on the integration of psychoanalysis, medicine, and pharmacology. She is co-author, with Jean-Pierre Lebrun, of Changer de genre ? Comment le malentendu opère chez les jeunes… et les moins jeunes (Changing Gender? How Misunderstandings Operate Among Youth... and Others) (Ed Campagne Première, 2024).

Dr Dominique ATMANN CRESTINU (Paris)

Endocrine Gynecologist, consultant at AP-HP in endocrinology (25 years), with a private practice in gynecology (30 years). She has worked in a clinic in Geneva and has training in psychosomatics (Paris 5).


Increasingly, adolescents are questioning their gender, and requests for transition have risen significantly in Western countries in recent years. From schools to specialized care units for adolescents, how can professionals responsible for these adolescents understand this phenomenon? Is it a new relationship to sex or rather yet another way to escape the distress that many adolescents face when confronting adolescent psychological issues? What listening and support can be offered to these adolescents without succumbing to panic and equipping ourselves with the means to confront various pressures (familial, social, and sometimes even medical)?


Day 1 (morning) 

  • The Concept of Transidentification

  • What are the statistics?

  • Evolution of the situation in different countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Finland, Sweden, Germany, France, Belgium, etc.

  • The typical pathway in France for a trans-identified adolescent.

  • Where do the recommendations come from? (Dutch Protocol, WPATH, HAS)

  • Current news on medical and scientific controversies and their consequences in different countries.

  • Prescription of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones during adolescence - Challenges and controversies.

  • Overview of "detransitioning" around the world.


Day 1 (Afternoon) 

  • Evolution of Terminology in Diagnostic Tools (DSM, ICD)

  • The stakes of promoting the notion of gender: Is gender a new version of sexuality? Is gender an avoidance of sexuality?

  • Why the phrase "gender dysphoria" is not suitable for the population of adolescents with ASP (overdiagnosis).

  • The consequences of an ASP diagnosis.

  • Holistic care: (medical, psychotherapeutic, familial, social, etc.)


Day 2 (morning) 

  • Differentiating Adolescence from Adolescent Psychological Issues

  • The intrusion of sexuality or the introduction to the mortal condition: The discovery of the fundamental loneliness of human existence.

  • Construction of the psychic instance of the romantic partner: Sexual identification, being sexual, sexual object choice.

  • Distinguishing sex and gender: From gender in Butler to sexuality in Freud (infantile sexuality, the notion of sexual trauma, psychic bisexuality, etc.).

  • Implications and modalities of using the concept of gender in clinical practices with adolescents: How to understand the promotion of the concept of gender at the expense of that of sex?

  • The request for transition in adolescence framed within adolescent psychological issues: Meaning and stakes for the adolescent subject.

  • Impact of screens and social networks on current adolescent psychological construction and the use of the concept of gender.


Day 2 (Afternoon)

  • Presentations of cases and clinical vignettes brought by participants.

  • Discussion time aimed at connecting the theoretical contributions of the training with the clinical situations presented.

  • Identification of questions that emerged during the training that may warrant further reflection.

Note: These different items may be addressed in a transversal manner throughout the training and in varying degrees of detail depending on the participants' interest.
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