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Lundi 13 novembre 2023

Our observatory @OSirene is today receiving the #MarcelleBlum prize, an award that obliges us, encourages us and which we dedicate to all those who have supported us. 

Many thanks.

Under the dome of the Institut de France, the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques awarded the "Marcelle Blum" prize for their work at the Petite Sirène observatory.

After the ceremony, the prize was presented to Céline MASSON and Caroline ELIACHEFF by the Académie, in the presence of former prime ministers and other elected representatives.


Academy prizes and medals

"In accordance with one of the missions entrusted to it by the Nation in 1795, "to follow [...] scientific and literary works which have as their object the general utility and glory of the Republic" (founding law of the Institut de France, 3 brumaire an IV), the Académie awards prizes, scholarships and medals each year.

It attaches particular importance to its mission of honouring individual or collective works, actions and achievements.

The prizes it awards reflect the diversity of its areas of expertise - philosophy, history, political science, law, economics, sociology, geography, psychology, etc. - and illustrate the values espoused by its sections.

The year's prize-winners are announced at the Academy's formal session, held under the Dome in November. On this occasion, the Académie honours the prize-winners and the work of the foundations. It celebrates the memory of the names of the great donors whose wishes it has the honour and responsibility to carry out. "

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