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Observatory Charter

About the Observatory of Ideological Discourses

on children and adolescents – " La Petite Sirène "

Founding charter


The Little Mermaid Observatory is amultidisciplinary collective of professional practitioners and researchers : doctors, child psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, lawyers, anthropologists, sociologists, philosophers, judges for children, National Education teachers, school officials, among others.

1)  The Observatory refers to aposition of universalismdefending the values of human rights,child protection.

2)  As such, he defends acharter of equal democratic rights : equality, secularism, fight against any influence of sectarian or ideological type constitute the base.

3)  He isindependent of any political party or religious affiliation. He firmly rejects any right to recover his ideas in this regard.

4) He strongly refutes any accusation of transphobia.

This collective was formed by observing the massive increase in new diagnoses of “gender dysphoria” and trans identity among minors, leading toheavy, systematic and immediate medical care,excluding any genuinely developed social, medical or psychiatric consultation.


Our Observatory considers that such serious and irreversible decisions deserve precise, scientific and concerted questioning, which goes beyond ideological, political and pseudo-consensual postures:


-    Does a human being in full neuropsychological maturation really have the means to project himself into a given genre by mastering the challenges of a future existence entirely dependent on medical treatmentsvery heavy and definitive?

-    What is a “informed consent in this sense? I'"self-determination of the child “, argument returned by a certain militancy pushing children to change gender, is a concept that the practice of clinicians must question on an ethical level.

-    The Observatory also questions the methods at work, in particular via thesocial networks, testifying to real processes of control over the body and sexuality of children.

-    Finally, the Observatory ofThe Little Mermaid questions the Medical Corpsin what constitutes its base: what is a medicine that puts itself at the service of ideologies without taking the time, very often, to question the symptoms of children in search of identity, evil in their bodies , and, for at least half of them, may presenta psychic vulnerability or real psychopathology which is often obscured by “transidentity”?


These questions arise in all Western countries: groups of specialized professionals have worked to improve legislation and the quality of care. The Little Mermaid set upan international network with these collectives in Canada, the United States, Great Britain, Sweden, Switzerland and Spain.

The Observatory will be able to take up other subjects that would have a physical and psychological impact on children and adolescents.

Association office


Board of Directors 


• Céline Masson, Professeur des universités 

​• Caroline Eliacheff, pédopsychiatre​

​• Jean-Pierre Lebrun, psychiatre​​

​• Jean-Louis Renchon, Professeur émérite de droit de la famille​

• Béryl Koener, pédopsychiatre

​• Claire Squires, psychiatre, Maître de conférences honoraire




  • The two co-presidents: Céline Masson, Caroline Eliacheff 

  • General Secretary: Beryl Koener

  • Deputy General Secretary: Jean-Pierre Lebrun

  • Deputy General Secretary: Jacques Robert, Emeritus Professor of Cancerology

  • Deputy General Secretary: Dominique Crestinu, gynaecologist and endocrinologist

  • Treasurer: Olivier Riou, physicist, teacher-researcher


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Céline Masson is a psychoanalyst, university professor and member of the Centre d'Histoire des Sociétés, des Sciences et des Conflits at the Université de Picardie Jules Verne. Director of the Research Network on Racism and Anti-Semitism (RRA), President of the French Association for Research on Creative Processes-Pandora, co-director with Caroline Eliacheff of the Observatory of Ideological Discourses on Children and Adolescents (La Petite Sirène). She is also co-director of the DU in child protection at Université Paris Cité in partnership with Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants. She co-edits the "Questions sensibles" collection published by Hermann with Isabelle de Mecquenem, where in February 2022 she published Crise des repères identitaires : race, sexe, genre, part of the 6-book series L'avenir d'une désillusion that she initiated.

She has published: Les Indomptables, figures of anorexia, Odile Jacob, 1989; Body and screaming, being a psychoanalyst with toddlers, Odile Jacob, 1994; Private lives, from the child king to the child victim,

Odile Jacob, 1997; Mothers-daughters, a three-way relationship, with Nathalie Heinich, Albin Michel, 2002; The Family in all its states, Albin Michel, 2005; The Time of the Victims, with Daniel Soulez Larivière, Albin Michel, 2007; Can I call you Sigmund, Albin Michel, 2010; How the veil fell on the nativity scene, Albin Michel, 2013; Françoise Dolto, a special day, Flammarion, 2018; My life with the Countess of Ségur, Gallimard, 2021; The factory of the transgender child with Céline Masson, editions of the observatory, 2022




Caroline Eliacheff, child psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, essayist.

She has published: Les Indomptables, figures of anorexia, Odile Jacob, 1989; Body and screaming, being a psychoanalyst with toddlers, Odile Jacob, 1994; Private lives, from the child king to the child victim,

Odile Jacob, 1997; Mothers-daughters, a three-way relationship, with Nathalie Heinich, Albin Michel, 2002; The Family in all its states, Albin Michel, 2005; The Time of the Victims, with Daniel Soulez Larivière, Albin Michel, 2007; Can I call you Sigmund, Albin Michel, 2010; How the veil fell on the nativity scene, Albin Michel, 2013; Françoise Dolto, a special day, Flammarion, 2018; My life with the Countess of Ségur, Gallimard, 2021; The factory of the transgender child with Céline Masson, editions of the observatory, 2022



Psychoanalytical psychiatrist, AMA member of the ALI (Association Lacanienne Internationale). Participates in the work of EPEP (Ecole de psychanalyse d'enfants), President of AMC PSY (Association Médecine et Clinique Psychanalytique), Qualiopi certified for training doctors and medical and social workers, former hospital practitioner (Antony Bourg la Reine), practises in day hospitals for children and adolescents (Montreuil) and CAPP de Paris, private practice.


She has published numerous articles on

les anorexies boulimies, les toxicomanies, l’alcoolisme, la clinique de la précarité, la délinquance au féminin, la ménopause (Eres), la clinique contemporaine, à propos du genre, ou sur le burn out.

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Endocrino-gynecologist, psychosomatic specialist.

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Psychiatrist, child psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, currently in private practice

Professional background: Assistant in Psychiatric Hospitals - Expert before the Courts - Editor-in-Chief of Revisions Psychiatries and Bulletin d'Information des Psychiatres Privés, BIPP - President of ODPCPP, Formation Continue des Psychiatres Privés - Vice-president of the Syndicat National des Psychiatres Privés SNPP - Vice-president of the Association Française des Psychiatres d'Exercice Privé AFPEP-.

Clinical research into the creative process, creative recourse and therapeutic creativity.



Paul Denis is a doctor of medicine, former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, neuro-psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and full member of the Société psychanalytique de Paris. He was editor of the Revue française de psychanalyse from 1997 to 2005, and was a member of the editorial board of La psychiatrie de l'enfant for 20 years. 

Some titles : Transmettre (ou pas), Albin Michel, 2012, L'avenir du père: réinventer sa place ? Albin Michel, 2019, Théo se rit du genre, in Les lettres de la SPF, no 45, éditions éres, 2022

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Child psychiatrist, former head of clinic-assistant at Paris hospitals then hospital practitioner, author of numerous works in child psychiatry (child suicide, anorexia nervosa, child hyperactivity), etc. At the start of his career, he worked with Dr Léon KREISLER at the Saint-Vincent de Paul hospital (childhood genital ambiguities), and became an expert in adoption, starting out in the team of Pr Michel SOULÉ (co-author with Mrs Simone VEIL of the 1966 law on full adoption), a practice he continued in Seine-Saint-Denis and Morbihan.


A psychoanalyst (APF), after training in child psychotherapy (Mme Annie ANZIEU) and psychoanalytic psychodrama (Mme Simone DAYMAS) in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis at the Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, he became its director for some fifteen years, under the direction of Pr Michel BASQUIN.

He has published a number of works on recent developments in family life, and in this capacity has been interviewed by parliamentary committees at the National Assembly, the Senate, the Council of State, etc.



Docteure en Psychopathologie Psychologue clinicienne. Responsable clinique et scientifique de l'équipe Together, application de santé mentale pour les adolescents; EPS Ville-Evrard.​



Clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst, senior lecturer in clinical psychology at the Université de Paris Cité



Former student of the École normale supérieure de la rue d'Ulm. Agrégé de Lettres modernes. Doctorate in French literature. Lecturer in French language and literature of the Middle Ages at the University of Rouen. His research focuses on epic poetry, literature and anthropology.

Sur les idéologies contemporaines, il a contribué aux ouvrages collectifs Crise de la gauche. Cancel Culture, décolonialisme et universalisme (Hermann, 2022), Après la déconstruction. L'université au défi des idéologies (Odile Jacob, 2023) et Sauver ? (PUF, 2023). Il est l'auteur de Cancel ! De la culture de la censure à l'effacement de la culture (Intervalles, 2022)



Pédopsychiatre, Belgique. Docteur en médecine à l'Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), docteur (PhD) en Sciences Médicales, laboratoire de neuropharmacologie de l'institut des neurosciences (IoNS) de l'Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Diplômée en thérapie familiale et systémique au CEFORES (Centre de formation et de Recherche en Approche systémique et thérapie familiale)

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Thierry Lamote holds a doctorate in clinical psychopathology and is a qualified lecturer in psychology. Director of the Centre d'Etude des Radicalisations et de leurs Traitements (CERT), he created the "Radicalisation et terrorisme" and "Formes contemporaines de l'emprise" university diplomas at Université Paris Cité.


He has published a number of articles and books on radicalisation, sectarian phenomena and collective violence, including: La scientologie déchiffrée par la psychanalyse. La folie du fondateur L. Ron Hubbard, Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2011; L'envers obscène de la modernité, De la Scientologie à Daech, Paris, Hermann, 2017; La farce ou la condition humaine post-tragique : Que nous apprend le Liban du lien social contemporain, Toulouse, PUM, 2019 (With Dina G. Besson); La féroce ignorance. Religion, Radicalisation, Mouvements d'émancipation I, Paris, Archives Karéline, 2023; La violence insidieuse: Anthropologie et psychologie de la sorcellerie et du harcèlement, Paris, Archives Karéline, 2023 (With S. Bindi and E. Dianteill); Regardez-les jouir! Religion, Radicalisation, Mouvements d'émancipation II, Paris, Archives Karéline, 2023 (with M. Moulla) ; Violences collectives, crimes de masse et terrorisme, Paris, MJW Fédition, 2023 (with V. Christopoulou and P. Cotti).

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Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, associate professor at the University of Louvain, former president of the Association lacanienne internationale (ALI) and the Association freudienne de Belgique (AFB), associate trainer at the Centre Chapelle aux champs, lecturer at the Université Catholique de Louvain. Director of the Humus and Singulier-Pluriel collections published by Erès, author of some twenty books published by Denoël and Erès.



Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst

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Jacques Robert is Emeritus Professor of Oncology at the University of Bordeaux and Honorary Hospital Practitioner at the Institut Bergonié, the Bordeaux Cancer Centre, where he headed the biochemistry laboratory for over 35 years.

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Honorary Senior Lecturer in Organismal Biology. Doctorate. Visiting Professor at Duke University Marine Lab (North Carolina, USA). Former Inspector of French Education in Germany.


Titles include : L'adaptation (co-author) (Ed. Belin-Pour la Science, 1988); Sous les Cahiers, la Plage (CNDP, 1994), Education à la citoyenneté (co-author) (Ed. Magnard, 1996); Un autre regard sur la culture scientifique (Scéren, 2003); Sciences, Arts et Français: se construire par les albums (Scéren, 2006).



Psychoanalyst, honorary member and trainer of the Société Psychanalytique de Paris (SPP). Former editor of the Revue Française de Psychanalyse and deputy director of Débats de psychanalyse, published by PUF. She has worked as a therapist and trainer in child and adolescent psychotherapy at the Centre de Guidance Infantile Pierre Mâle, Hôpital Sainte Anne, Paris. She was awarded the Maurice Bouvet Prize for Psychoanalysis in 1987 for her article "Le rubis a horreur du rouge" ("The ruby hates red") in the Revue Française de Psychanalyse. 


Author of numerous articles in collective works and journals on the theme of the difference between the sexes and the feminine. In particular, in the book - Crise des repères identitaires, race, sexe, genre, edited by Céline Masson, Ed. Hermann, 2022.

Her books : - Le refus du féminin (La sphinge et son âme en peine), Ed. Presses Universitaires de France, coll. "Quadrige", Postface by René Roussillon (1997, 7th reed. in 2022), - Qu'est la sexualité devenue? De Freud à aujourd'hui, edited by Jacqueline Schaeffer, Ed. In Press, 2019. - Le féminin, un sexe autre, Ed. In Press, coll. "Psy pour tous", 2022

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University professor. Linguist and translator. 


He has published Les moutons de la pensée. Nouveaux conformismes idéologiques (2022, Cerf) and Le sexe et la langue (Intervalles, 2023). His work focuses on argumentation and epistemology, and ideological discourse on gender, anti-Semitism and music. He directs the collection Le point sur les idées, which includes Petite mystique du genre (François Rastier, 2023), Les habits neufs du féminisme (Sabine Prokhoris, 2022), Cancel! De la culture de la censure à l'effacement de la culture (Hubert Heckmann, 2022).

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Trained as a lawyer, she practised for over a dozen years at the Paris Bar. She is currently a lawyer in an association for the defence of children's rights. In 2022, she obtained the "Diplôme Universitaire Auditeur d'enfants" (University Diploma in Child Auditing) from the Lille Law School, certifying that she has acquired the skills needed to gather the views of children in judicial and extra-judicial settings.



A psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, and a senior lecturer at the Université Paris Cité, her field of research is early childhood and perinatal care.



Anthropologist, clinical researcher

PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry; Associate Member, Department of Anthropology; Co-Director, Mind and Brain Culture Program, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Member of the Polarisation Clinical Team, Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS) de l'Ouest-de-l'Île-de-MontréaL Member of the Culture and Mental Health Research Team, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal.

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Jean-Pierre Winter , psychoanalyst, President of the Freudian Cost Movement, former lecturer in child psychopathology at the University of Louvain la Neuve, and of the Jewish Studies College of the Alliance Israélite Française. Author of a dozen books and numerous articles. 

Some titles : Transmettre (ou pas), Albin Michel, 2012, L'avenir du père: réinventer sa place ? Albin Michel, 2019, Théo se rit du genre, in Les lettres de la SPF, no 45, éditions éres, 2022

Members of the scientific council

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Chairman of the OPS Scientific Council

Emeritus Professor of Paediatrics, former Head of Paediatric Nephrology at the Armand Trousseau Children's Hospital, former President of the Société Française de Néphrologie Pédiatrique, member of the Agence Nationale Sécurité des Médicaments, member of the editorial board of Pediatric Nephrology, the international journal of paediatric nephrology.

His publications focus almost exclusively on paediatric urology and nephrology:

Livres - Pediatric Néphrology , Sixth Edition , Springer Ed - Nephrologie de l'enfant , Elsevier Masson Ed

Articles - 70 dans des revues internationales dont N Engl J Med, Pediatr Nephrol , Nephrol Dial Transplant ,Infect Immun ,J Clin Endocrinol Metab , Clin Genet , J Am Soc Nephrol , J Immunol .... - 90 dans des revues en langue française


Historian, writer, feminist.


Philosopher and historian of science, professor of contemporary philosophy at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.


Doctor, haptotherapist, essayist.


French doctor and politician, founder of the SAMU social de la ville de Paris and president of the High Committee for the Housing of Disadvantaged People from 1997 to 2015.


Psychoanalyst, UK


Psychoanalyst, UK


Gynecologist-obstetrician in Paris hospitals and university professor.


Professor of French literature, author of La question transgenre.


Pediatrician, USA


University Professor. Distinguished Hospital Practitioner. Former Head of the Pediatric Endocrinology, Gynecology and Diabetology Department at Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital.


French semantician, doctor in linguistics and emeritus CNRS research director.


French magistrate and essayist. After practicing in the courts and teaching at the National School of the Judiciary, he held research positions in various organizations related to the world of justice.


French doctor and professor of medicine. He was the chairman of the National Ethics Advisory Committee from 1999 to 2008.


Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry; Associate Member, Department of Anthropology; co-director Culture program “Mind and Brain”, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Member of the Polarization Clinical Team, Integrated University Health and Social Services Center (CIUSSS) of the West Island of Montreal Member of the Culture and Mental Health Research Team, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal


  • Jean-Yves Hayez, Emeritus Professor of Child Psychiatry, UCLouvain

  • Beryl Koener, child psychiatrist

  • Jean-Pierre Lebrun, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst

  • Jean-Paul Leclercq, clinical psychologist

  • Pierre Marchal, philosopher and psychoanalyst

  • Jean-Louis Renchon, Emeritus Professor of Family Law

  • Nicole Einaudi, child psychiatrist

  • Diane Drory, clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst

  • YouTube
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