Sapere Aude!
dare know !
Horace (epistle, I,2,40)
List of Appeal Signatories
ABDOUCHELI DEJOURS, Elisabeth, child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
ABECASSIS, Iris, Chiropodist
ABERT, Matthieu, Doctor
ACAR EGNELL, Véronique, Family therapist
AGUERRE, Jean-Claude, Psychoanalyst
AGUET, Christine, Proofreader
AGUILAR, Pilar, Retired
AIME, Manon, Childcare assistant
ALEXIA, Noel, Psychiatrist
ALLARD, Claude, Child psychiatrist
ALMEIDA, Sylvia, Clinical Psychologist
ALTMANN CRESTINU, Dominique, Gynecologist
AMENDOLA, Betty, School teacher
AMIGORENA ROSENBERG, Ercilia, Psychoanalyst
AMIROU, Assireme, Executive
ANQUETIL, Nicole, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
ANTOINE, Thomas, Engineer
ARAQUISTAIN, Sonia, Psychologist
ARDEVEN, François, Professor of classics, psychoanalyst
ARÈS, Marie-Claude, Retired
ARMELLINO, Rosa, Teacher
ARNAIZ GARCÍA, Esther, European Volunteer
ARTIGUES, Jacques, Architect
ASSARAF, Roland, Researcher
ATHEA, Nicole, Endocrinologist
AUBERTIN, Flora, Clinical Psychologist and PhD Student
AUDREN, Beatrice, Psychoanalyst
AUGRIS, Françoise, Psychologist
AVIRON, Caroline, School Teacher
AXELOS, Rachel, Professor of Classics
AZINCOURT, Jean-Claude, Doctor
BABIKA, Nadia, Retired Librarian
BACHELET, Karine, Psychiatrist
BADER, Soumia, Engineer
BAGUELIN, Esther, Psychology student (L3)
BAGUELIN, Muriel, Nurse
BAIGUERA, Gisella, Medico
BAILLE, Stéphanie, Psychologist
BAKERMANS, Léontine, Pharmacist
BAKLOUTI, Cyril, Social Worker
BALLAN, Vanessa, Psychologist
BALLAND, Gérard, Psychologist
BANG COFFOURNIC, Catherine, Psychoanalyst
BAQUÉ, Dominique, Former university
BARAHONA, Celina, Marketing Consultant
BARANGER, Thierry, Honorary Magistrate, former President of the Children's Courts of Bobigny and Paris BERNHARD, Peter, Associate Professor
BARBIER, Jacques
BARBOTIN, Tiphaine, Childminder
BARILARI ROBERT, Virginie, Teacher
BARILARI, Virginie, Teacher
BARRA, Daniel, Retired
BARRETEAU, Sylvie, child psychiatrist
BATTEUX, Valérie, Psychologist
BAUDE, Evelyne, Clinical Psychologist
BAUDIN, Marianne, Psychoanalyst
BAUDRIMONT, Marion, Metallurgist
BAVAY, Mathias, Physicist
BEAUD, Mylène, Gestalt therapist
BEAUJEAN, Jacques, Psychologist
BÉGUELIN, Guillaume, NGO Project Manager
BÉGUIN, Edith, Psychoanalyst
BEJAUD, Esthelle, National education psychologist
BELAIS, Alain, Consultant
BELENGUER RIBERA, Georgina, Psychologist
BELLANGE, Véronique, Psychoanalyst Psychologist
BELLO, Alicia, Coach
BELLONE, Michele, Director Child Protection Service
BELLOT, Anne, Riding instructor
BELO, Maria, Psychoanalyst
BELZILE, André, Practical theologian and psychotherapist
BENHAMOU, Jacques, Judicial Mediator
BÉNIT, Virginie, Psychologist
BENNOUR, Soria, Teacher
BENNOUR, Yassine, High school student
BENRAIS, François, Doctor
BENSA, Pierre, Plastic surgeon
BENSASSON, Lucia, Actress
BERGER, Maurice, child psychiatrist
BERGÈS-BOUNÈS, Marika, Psychoanalyst
BERNARD, Annie, Psychologist
BERNARD, Françoise, Psychoanalyst
BERNARD, Marthe, Retired
BERNARD, Stéphanie, Marriage and family counselor
BERNHARD, Peter, Associate Professor
BERREBY, Patricia, Youth author
BERTAUD, François, National Education Psychologist (EDO)
BERTAUX, Monique, Psychologist, psychotherapist, practices psychoanalysis
BESSET, Marielle, Psychology student
BETTAN, Jean-Charles, Psychoanalyst
BEUCHARD, Raphaëlle, School teacher
BIASIO, Alessandra, Medico
BIAUT, Jean Claude, Economist
BILLOT-MONGIN, Dominique, Psychoanalyst Psychiatrist
BLANC, Mireille, Caregiver
BLANC, Stephanie, Psychologist
BLANCHARD, Florence, Psychologist
BLANCHARD, Sylvie, psychoanalyst psychotherapist
BLEVIS, Marcianne, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
BLOQUET, Anne, Restorer
BLUM, Véronique, Interior designer
BOCCHINI-REVEST, Georgette, Psychoanalyst
BOCCI, Valérie, Clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst
BOCCI, Valérie, Clinical Psychologist. Psychoanalyst
BOCH, Anne-Laure, Neurosurgeon
BOË, Emmanuelle, Psychiatrist
BOIDRON, Hubert, Winegrower
BONHOMME, Juliette, Psychotherapist
BONLARRON, Louis, Psychologist
BONNET, Bruno, Teacher
BONNET, Marie-Jo, Writer-Historian
BONTEMPO GUELI, Daniel Isabelle, Senior Manager
BOPP-LIMOGE, Christiane, Psychiatrist
BORGEL, Maurice, Psychoanalyst
BOS, Hugo, Director
BOSSI, Pascale, Psychologist
BOSSIS, Mireille, Retired Academic
BOUAMRIRENE, Dalila, Surgeon
BOUCHE, Natalie,
BOUCHER, Nicolas, Municipal Councilor
BOUCHET, Romain,
BOUDOUL, François, retired cook
BOUEDEC, Jacques, Educator
BOUHARB, Alif, Psychologist
BOULENGER, Jean-Philippe, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry
BOULLE, Hervé, Optician
BOUMENDIL, Olivier, Doctor, Radiologist
BOUSQUET, Chantal, General practitioner
BOUSSION, Raphaël, child psychiatrist
BOUX, Alexandra, Teacher
BOUX, Marie-Do, Architect
BOYER, Sigolène, Psychoanalyst
BRAUNSTEIN, Jean-François, University Professor
BRÉMAUD, Anne, Lawyer
BRIOTET, Camille, General practitioner
BROCHARD, Bruno, Professor HG Lycée
BROHAN-ROCHE, Corinne, Ceramist
BROSSAUD, Magali, Psychotherapist
BRUGIÈRE, Yannick, Psychoanalyst
BRUNO, Michel, Psychologist, psychoanalyst
BUCHANAN, Jean, Pedagogical assistant specialized education training
BURGUN, Cédric, Territorial official
BUTTICKER, Palmira, Writer
BUTTIN, Damien, Salesperson
CAGNOTIS, Aline, Clinical Psychologist
CAIMI, Luigi, Medico
CAIREY, Elodie, Designer
CAMPION, Martine, Psychiatrist
CAMPOS, Sara, Professor
Camus, Anne,
CANARD, Isabelle, certified psychotherapist
CANONNE, François, Former Professor of Public Health
CAPOGROSSO SANSONE, Massimo, Educator monitor
CAPPELLONE, Sylvie, Psychologist and psychoanalyst
CARMAUX, Armelle, Psychologist
CARMINATI, Jean-Paul, Lawyer
CASANO, Angelique, National Education Psychologist
CASASSUS, Françoise, Childcare worker Retired nursery director
CASTAN, Barbara, Real Estate Tech Manager
CASTAN, J, Psychologist
CASTEL, Pierre-Henri, Research Director at the CNRS
CATRAIN, Élodie, Saleswoman
CAUBET, Françoise, National Education Psychologist
CAURIER, Marie-Agnès, Clinical Psychologist
CAYER, Jennifer, Paramedic
CAYER, Jennifer, Paramedic
CERVERA, María, Midwife
CHAGNON, Jean Yves, Professor of clinical psychology and psychopathology
CHAGOURIN, Ghislaine, Psychologist Psychoanalyst
CHAISSAC, Danièle, Psychologist Psychoanalyst
CHANG, Lolita, Educator specializing in Child Welfare
CHANUSSOT, Sylvie, Speech therapist
CHAOUAT, Bruno, University
CHARVET, Oliver,
CHENUIL, Daniel, Computer scientist
CHEPTOU, Véronique, Psychologist
CHESNAY, Claire, Psychologist
CHEVILLARD, Chantal, Retired PMI doctor
CHEVRIER, Claude, Psychoanalyst
CHOMSKI MAGNIS, Josiane, Psychoanalyst
CHOUFFIER, Emmanuelle, Manager of social and cultural institutions
CHOURAQUI, Jérémie, Lawyer
CHOVAUX, Marina, School teacher and parenting coach
CHOVAUX, Stéphane, Civil Servant
CHVETZOFF, Roland, Philosopher and psychoanalyst
CILLO, Teresa Isabel, Medica pediatra
CLAVEIROLE, Paul, Psychiatrist
CLEMENT, Christophe, Research Manager
CLUZEL, Aurélie, Photographer/videographer
COGNET, Georges, Psychologist
COINTOT, Françoise, child psychiatrist
COLIN, Christine, Press Manager
COLLARD, Muriel, Nurse
COLONNA, Aurélien, Independent
COMBRUN, Nicolas, Caregiver
COPPEY, Caroline, Artist
COQUEREL, Virginie, Analyst
CORBET, Maryse, Clinical Psychologist
CORDIER, Bruno, Engineer
CORNEBERT, Isabelle, Project Manager
CORNEC, Alain, Lawyer
CORNÉLIE, Laure-Anne, Lawyer
CORNET, Véronique, Psychoanalyst
COTTI, Patricia, Lecturer, psychoanalyst, clinical psychologist
COULOMB, Nicole, Retired National Education
COUPRIE, John, Retired
COURT, Aline, Social service assistant
COUSSON MULLER, Valérie, Psychologist
COUTURIER, Brice, Journalist
CREPLET-LUCHESSI, Julie, Psychoanalyst
CRESPIN, Marcel, Retired
CRESPIN, Renaud, Sociologist and Political Scientist
CRETE REDANNE, Nadine, Psychoanalyst
CRIQUILION, Sophie, Psychiatrist, psychotherapist
CROIX, Laurence, Psychoanalyst, psychologist, teacher-researcher
CRUZEL, Anna, Psychologist
CUNY, Benoit, Quality Manager
D'AMICO, Giusy, Teacher
D'HOINE, Hedwige,
D'AVOUT, Hélène, Psychoanalyst
DACHELET, Dominique
DACHY, Sophie, Psychiatric nurse
DACREMA, Valentina, Teacher
DAGUERRE, Christian, Doctor
DALENS, Sylvie, Self-employed
DALIA, Françoise, National Education Psychologist (EDO)
DAMO, Anne Marie, Psychologist
DAMO, Anne-Marie, Psychologist
DARCY, Navy, Doctor
DARTOIS, Sigrid, Psychologist
DAVID, Claire, Psychiatrist
DAVID, Marielle, child psychiatrist
DAVIDOVICI, Maria, Nurse
DAVION, Frédéric, Psychiatrist Psychoanalyst
DAVIS, Athena, Union Advisor
DE BRANCH, Daphne, Psychologist/psychotherapist
DE BREMOND D’ARS, Laurence, Psychological support in high schools
DE CHORIVIT, Olivia, Doctor
DE KERDREL, Véronique, Psychologist
DE LA BOUILLERIE, Bruno, retired doctor
DE LA PERRAUDIÈRE, François, Associative
DE LAMOTTE, Aymeric, Lawyer
DE LONGUEVILLE, Magali, Psychologist
DE MAXIMY, Martine, Honorary Magistrate, psychologist-psychotherapist
DE NEUTER, Patrick, Psychologist, psychotherapist
DE TAPPIE, Axelle, Psychologist
DEBRUS BEAUMONT, Isabelle, Psychiatrist and Child Psychiatrist Psychoanalyst
DECAMP, Brigitte, Psychoanalyst, Doctor in Clinical Psychopathology
DECHET, Dominica, Retirement
DÉCORET, Bruno, Psychologist, sexologist
DECORMIS, Claude-Anne, Psychologist
DEFFRENNES, Veronique, Retired Buyer
DEHON, Christelle, Sophrologist
DEITTE, Jacques, Psychotherapist
DEL PERUGIA, Raphaël, Engineer
DELAHAYE, Natacha, Psychologist EN
DELBARRE, Sébastien, Photographer
DELMOTTE, Patrick, Architect
DELOURMEL, CHRISTIAN, Psychiatrist-psychoanalyst, member of the SPP
DELVAULX, Claire, Nursery educator
DEMEULENAERE, Ariane, Psychologist
DEMOUGIN, Julie, Psychologist
DEMOURES, Bruno, Retired doctor
Dennis, Claire
DENYS, Isabelle, Gynecologist
DESGRAVES, Catherine, Executive Assistant
DESMAZURES, Laura, Medical student
DESPERIER, Guillaume, Manager
DESPERIER, Guillaume, Manager
DESPRAT, Laurence, Psychoanalyst
DESSAIN, Béatrice, Psychoanalyst
DESTABEAU, Elisabeth, Psychotherapist
DEVERLANGES, Blandine, Teacher
DEWITTE, Aurélie, Artist
DEZERA, Oksana, Psychoanalyst
DI PIERO, Vincent, Psychologist
DIATKINE, Gilbert, Psychoanalyst
DIEUDONNE, Gratien, Engineer
DIONEDI, Carlo, Professor
DODELIN-BRICOUT, Corinne, Pediatrician
DOKHAN, Michele, Psychoanalyst
DOKHAN, Michèle, Psychoanalyst
DORMAN, Laurence, Software Engineer
DORMONT, Thomas, Teacher
DOWLING, William, College Professor
DROUET, Éric, Retired psychologist psychoanalyst
DU BOIS-CASSANI, Sylvie, Psychoanalyst
DUBREUIL LEMAIRE, Marie-Laure, Psychiatrist Psychoanalyst
DUBREUIL, Valerie, Doctor
DUBRUILLE, Anne-Laure, Psychiatrist
DUMONT, Charles, Head of School
DUMONT, Francis, Psychoanalyst
DUMONT, Francis, Psychologist - psychoanalyst
DUMOULIN, Laurent, Psychoanalyst
DUPHIL, Florence, Office worker
DUPOUY-CAMET, Jean, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Paris Cité University
DURA TEA, Christine, Clinical Psychologist, Psychoanalyst
DURIEUX, Frédérique, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
DUVAL, Murielle, Entrepreneur
EGO, Jennifer, OF Manager
EGO, Nathalie, Personal Assistant
EHRENBERG, Corinne, Psychoanalyst
ELAIGNE, Sandrine, CNRS Researcher
ELBAZ, Virginia, teacher
ELURSE, Aude, Psychologist
EMMANUEL, Emmanuel, Psychoanalyst
ENEZIAN, Goharig, Child Surgeon
ENOT, Anne, child psychiatrist
ERRIEAU, Gilles, Doctor
FABRICE, Chantal, Psychotherapist
FABRIZI, Sylvia, Psychologist
FAINSILBER, Liliane, Psychoanalyst
FARGES, Nicole, Psychologist-psychoanalyst
FARKAS, Olivia, Clinical Psychologist
FASTRÉ, Daniel, Librarian
FAUCHER, Jean-Marc, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
FAUCONNET, Michel, Teacher
FAYETON, Simonne, retired doctor
FELZENSZWALBE, Natalie, Honorary Lawyer
FERNÁNDEZ MEJÍA, María Eugenia, Pintora
FERRAND, Michel, Employee
FERRAND, Michel, CASI SNCF employee
FERRON, Catherine, Psychoanalyst
FERRY, Bernard, Psychoanalyst
FIASTRI, Marzia,
FIERENS, Béatrice, Psychoanalyst clinical psychologist
FILL, Claire, IT Executive
FILZ, Nelly, Psychologist
FIORI, René, Psychoanalyst
FITOUSSI, Gérard, Psychoanalyst
FLECHER, Guy, Psychiatrist
FLON, Lena, Manager
FLON, Yves, Professor
FLORENTIN, Rolando, Psychologist
FLORIMOND, Graziella, Teacher
FONTENEAU, Sophie, Specialized educator
FÖRSTERLING, Renate, Doctor, Psychotherapist, Sexologist
FORVEILLE, Elisabeth, Psychoanalyst
FOSCHIA, Jacques,
FOUCAULT, Emmanuelle, Psychologist
FOUCAULT, Pierre-Marc, Teacher
FOUCHE, Nathalie, Psychiatrist
FOUCHER, Eve, Looking for a job
FOUQUEAU, Christine, Nursery Director
FOURCADE, Alain, Business Manager
FOURCAUT, Annie, Emeritus University Professor
FOURNIER, Valérie, Psychologist
FOURNY, Cécile, School teacher
FRANKARD, Anne-Christine, Psychologist
FREDHOLM, Thomas, Translator
FREITAG, Tabea, Diplom Psychologist and Psychotherapist
FROISSART, Josiane, Psychoanalyst
FUSIBET, Catherine, Doctor
GAILLARD, Béatrice, Psychologist
GALBIATI, Ambrogio, Painter
GALISSON, Isabelle, Marriage and Family Counselor
GALULA, Max, Pediatrician
GARCIA-FONS, Tristan, child psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
GASKELL, Jocelyn, Accounts Assistant
GATECLOU, Emilie, Teacher
GAUDEFROY, Valérie, Clinical Psychologist
GAURY, Erick, Winegrower
GAURY, Gabrielle,
GAURY, Marie-Sophie,
GAUTHIER, François, Airline Pilot
GAUTHIER, Sylvain, Professor
GAUTHIER, Thibaut, Youth Librarian
GAUTIER, Simone, Retired from ENLE
GAVERIAUX, Annie, visual artist
GAY, Joelle,
GAY, Joellegay@Gmail.Com, Joellegay@gmail.com
GEAY, Romain, House painter
GEAY, Romain, House painter
GEERINCKX, Martine, Nurse
GEISS-ZORN, Jeannine, Psychologist, psychoanalyst
GEORGES-LAMBRICHS, Nathalie, Psychologist, Psychoanalyst
Gerin, Yves
GERVAIS, Corinne, National Education Manager
GIBERT, Marie-Hélène, Teacher
GICQUEL, Patricia, retired film editor
GIGLIO BUSETTO, Mirella, Retired teacher
GILLET, Guillaume, Clinical Psychologist Psychotherapist
GILLIER, Evelyne, Specialized educator
GILLOOTS, Marie, child psychiatrist
GINER, Jacques, Engineer
GIOGÀ, Joseph, Clinical Psychologist Psychoanalyst
GIUILI, Sylvère, Psychiatrist Psychoanalyst
GIUSIANO, Bernard, Public health doctor
GLAS, Jérôme, Clinical Psychologist and SPP Psychoanalyst
GLAZIOU, Frédérique, Executive Assistant
GLORIOD, Fabienne, Podiatrist
GODART, Elsa, Research Director Gustave Eiffel University
GODEFROY, Hélène, Psychoanalyst, Teacher at University of Paris
GODET, Marie Noelle,
GODET, Marie Noëlle, Psychoanalyst
GODINOT, Clotilde, Nurse and educator
GOFFI, Elsa, Unprofessional
GOLDER, Eva-Marie, Psychologist, psychoanalyst
GOLDMAN, Caroline, Psychologist for children and adolescents, Doctor in clinical psychopathology, teacher
Gonthier, Irina
GOTHIE, Christiane,
GOUTARD, Aurélie, Caregiver
GRANDJEAN, Maxime, State Civil Service Executive
GRANGE, Jean-Christophe, Retired
GREGOIRE, Cecile, Teacher
GREGOIRE, Cécile, Teacher
GREGOIRE, Stephanie,
GRENIER, Catherine, Clinical Psychologist
GRINARD, Monique, Psychologist Psychoanalyst
GRIPEKOVEN, Marie-Hélène, Teacher/Visual Artist
GROSMAN, Michael,
GUENICHE, Karinne, MCU-HDR - Psychologist and Psychoanalyst
WARRIOR, Elizabeth,
GUERRIER, Jeanne-Marie, Psychologist Psychoanalyst
GUEY, Nicole, Doctor in clinical psychopathology psychoanalyst
GUEZ, Olivia, Psychologist
GUIDON, Helene,
GUILLOTEAU, Mathieu, Director of Collective Reception of Minors
GUIS, Jean-Christophe, Computer scientist
GUYARD, Cécile, Psychologist clinician
GUYOT, Elisabeth, Physiotherapist
HADDAD, Arlette, Direction
HALIMI, Olivier, Psychologist
HALLEPEE, Serge, Retired
HALLOUIN, Anne-Claire, Psychomotrician
HAMAD, Nazir, Psychoanalyst
HAMY, Caroline, Psychologist
HANRIOT, Pauline,
HAOUZI, Aurélie, Clinical Psychologist
HARDISSON, Ana, Philosopher jubilant
HATT, Sanne, Audiologist
HAYAT, Lizzie,
HAYEZ, Jean-Yves, Emeritus Professor of Child Psychiatry
HAYEZ, Serge, Retired
HELIGOT, Gaëlle, Clinical Psychologist
HELLUY, Florence, Translator
HELMLINGER-RAUNER, Véronique, Psychiatrist
HEMON, Angelina, Psychologist
HENRY, Maryvonne, Lawyer
HENRY, Valérie, Clinical Psychologist
HÉQUET, Sabine, Nurse
HERVE, Martine, Pediatrician
HESPEELS, Patrick, Psychologist
HETIER, Claire HETIER, Psychologist
HOCHSTEDT, Barbara, Conference interpreter
HOF MOUZIN, Dominique, Psychologist
HOMMET, Edwige, Automation Business Pilot
HOOG, Adeline, Clinical Psychologist
HOROWITZ, Richard, child psychiatrist
HOUCK, Christelle, Psychology
HOUCK, Christelle, Psychologist
HOULE, Alexandra, Coordinator
HUBERT, Pascaline, Sophrologist registered with the RNCP
HUE, Nathalie, Psychologist
HUEMPEL, Michael, Biochemist
HUET, Christian, Retired
HUGUES, Laurent, Ethics Officer
HUMEAU, Nolwenn, Psychologist
HÜMPEL, Rieke, Texterin
HURET, Michèle, Speech therapist, president of “ librecpossible »
HYDE, Tom, Cardiologist
INNOCENTI, Patrick, Translator
ISAAC-GEORGES, Catherine, Psychologist
ITOU, Marielle, Nurse / Teacher
ITOU, Marielle, Nurse/teacher
IUCKSCH, Marlene, Psychologist Psychoanalyst
JACQ, Alain, Psychologist Psychoanalyst
JACQUOT, Clement, PhD student
JAMES, Christina, Academic
JANIN DUC, Dominique, Psychoanalyst Psychologist
JANIN, Genevieve, retired pharmacist
JANSSENS, Brigitte, Psychologist
JAUFFRET HIBOLD, Therese, Retired
JAUFFRET, Marie, Special Educator
JEAN, Valérie, Toxicologist
JEANNIOT-DEMENET, Marie-Christine, Psychotherapist Psychoanalyst
JEANRENAUD, Anabelle, Therapist
JOB, Armel, Novelist
JOHANNA SCHAPIRA, Johanna, Translator
JONGEN, Catherine, Sex therapist (SSUB)
JONGEN, Catherine, Couple therapist, sex therapist
JOOS, Anne, Psychoanalyst
JORT, Régine, Commercial Secretary
JOUANNET, Jeanne-Claire, Psychoanalyst
JOUBREL, Dina, Psychiatrist
JOVANOVIC, Bojana, Dental Assistant
JURGENSEN, Geneviève, Editorialist, writer
KAPFER, Marie-Thérèse, Psychiatrist
KAVOS, Evelyne
KHELIFI, Sarah, Childcare worker
KICHILOV, Lise, General practitioner
KITABGI, Patrick, Retired, neuroscientist and research director at INSERM
KJÖLSTAD, Jon, Professor
KLAESSENS, Danny, Employee
KLARWEIN, Angela, Sozialarbeiterin
KOENER, Beryl, child psychiatrist
KRZAKOWSKI, Piotr, Psychologist-psychoanalyst
KULLMANN, Carola, Teacher
LABERGERE, Thierry, Psychoanalyst doctor
LACAN, Gilles, Former magistrate
LAFFUGE, Cecile, Teacher
LAFFUGE, Colette, Retired
LAFFUGE, Jacques, Retirement
LAFFUGE, Philippe, Entrepreneur
LAKE, Morwenna, Sculptor
LALEVEE, Elisabeth,
LAMBERT, Quentin, Juggler
LAMBIN, Rosine, Teacher
LAMBLIN, Diane, Clinical Psychologist
LAMBRICHS, Louise, Writer
LAMESI, Brigitte, Italianist Lecturer
LAMESI, Marc, Retired neuro-psychiatrist
LAMRANI TISSOT, Rhadija, Psychoanalyst and linguist
LANGE, Loetitia And Pierre, Farmer
LANTIERI, Laurent, Plastic surgeon
LARIVIERE, Michael, Psychoanalyst
LASVIGNE, Christian, CPEF doctor
LATOUR, Marie-Claire, Psychiatric nurse
LAUGT RAGGENBASS, Carole, Retired Professor
LAURENT KEPINSKI, Virginia, Teacher at the university
LAURENT, Marie-Madeleine, Psychologist
LAVERGNE, Philippe, Public service child psychiatrist
LAVISSE, Sylvie, Business Manager
LAVISSE, Sylvie, Business Manager
LE BRUN, Marie-Christine, Retired
LE CALVEZ, Laurence, Doctor
LE GALL, Chantal
THE GENDER, Nadia, Pedagogue
LE MEUR, Cyril, Professor
LE SCAO NOBLET, Françoise, Clinical Psychologist
LEANDRI, Cécile, Clinical Psychologist
LÉANDRI, Marie -Laure, Psychologist
LEANDRI, Marie Laure, Psychologist
LEBACQ, Stéphanie, Psychologist
LEBAS, Pauline, Mother
LEBETTRE, Licorice, Psychologist
LEBRUN, Jean-Pierre, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
LEBRUN, Karine, No occupation
LECLERE, Adèle, Head of high school level
LECOQ, Philippe, Retired
LEF, P, Sales assistant
LEGRAND, Catherine, Economist official BERCY
LEHERICY, Clara, Medico-psychological assistant
LELIEVRE, Hervé, Paleontologist
LELIEVRE, Nathan, Executive
LEMMEL, Benoît, Counsel
LENGLINE, Marie-Yannick, Speech therapist
LENORMAND, Elisabeth, Speech therapist
LEPEIX, Muriel, Psychologist
LEPRASTE, Jean-Marc,
LESTRÉHAN JURKIEWICZ, Psychologist, psychoanalyst
LEVET, Corinne, Association President
LEVY, Elisabeth, Psychologist
LÉVY, François, Psychoanalyst
LÉVY, Patrice, Clinical Psychologist
LEWIS, Sara, Retired
LEYRONNAS, Dominique, Pediatrician
LIBERT, Valérie, Clinical Psychologist and Analytical Psychotherapist
LLEDO, Jean-Pierre, Filmmaker
LOESCHER, Chantal, Psychiatrist
LONGO, Sandra, Student
LOSTANLEN, Isabelle, Teacher at the University of Lille
LOSTANLEN, Michel, Principal (retired)
LOUBAT, Valérie, psychoanalytic psychologist
LOULA, Barbara, Health insurance representative
LOY, Anne Catherine, Teacher
LUC, Blandine, Marriage and family counselor
LUCIEN, Elisabeth, Teacher
LUCQUIAUD DOLLE, Karine, Psychologist
LUQUE, Jean-Louis, Advertiser
LUTHIN, Patricia, Psychologist
LYAUDET, Eva, Sports Coach
MACIAS GARCIA, Luis Fernando, Psychoanalyst Prof de Philos
MACIAS GARCIA, Luis Fernando, Psychoanalyst Proff de Philos
MACKINNON, Elisabeth, Teacher
MAGNAN, Elizabeth, Retired Professor
MAGNIEN, Sylvie, Psychologist - psychoanalyst
MAGNIEN, Sylvie, Clinical Psychologist
MAGNIN, Eva, Architect
MAHE, Alain, Lecturer-researcher (EHESS)
MAIDENBERG, Manual, Pediatrician
MAILLOT, Edouard-Pierre, Retired
MAIMBOURG, Jacques, Management Controller
MALBOSC, Mireille, Retired employee
MALEM, Sandrine, Psychoanalyst
MANDROUX, Elodie, Animator alsh
MANSON, Alexis,
MANSUET, Stéphanie, Psychologist
MARC, Christian, Psychologist National Education
MARCHAL, Pierre, Psychoanalyst and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Science at UCL Louvain
MARCO, Pavia, Doctor of Medicine
MARCOMBES, Odile, Clinical Psychologist Psychoanalyst
MARDELLE, Maryline, Teacher
MARSHAL, Brigitte, Nurse DE
MARSHAL, Marie, Retired
MAREY-SEMPER, Mathilde, Psychologist, psychoanalyst
MARGOLLIET, Christine, psychologist
MARINI, Valéria, Radiologist
MARION, Pascale, Architect
MARKOVIC, Marie-Christine, Psychoanalyst and therapist
MARLIER, Julie, Biologist
MARLIÈRE, Alain, Peer helper
MARLIERE, Eva, Campsite manager
MARSOL, Florentine,
MARTINEZ, Nathalie, Director
MARZIN, Sophie, Psychoanalyst, Clinical Psychologist
MASSON-SÉKINÉ, Nourit, visual artist and author
MATAGON, Yvan, Genealogist
MCCULLOCH, Vanessa, Teacher / prof.
MEGALAKAKI, Olga, University Professor
MELCHIORI, Claude, Retired
MELLET, Thierry, School teacher
MELMAN, Géraldine, Psychoanalyst
MENUT, Magali, Educator and marriage counselor
MESONA, Florence, Psychiatrist
MESSIKA, Liliane, Writer
METZGER, Sylviane, Clinical Psychologist
MEUNIER, Maridza, School Life Assistant in a private college
MEYLAN, Alfred, Doctor
MEZZAROBBA, Jean, Psychoanalyst
MEZZAROBBA, Marie-Reine, Retired social worker
MIALET, Olivier, Journalist
MICHAU, Marie, Psychologist
MICHAUD, Henriette, Psychoanalyst
MICHÈLE, Dokhan, Psychoanalyst
MICHELI-RECHTMAN, Vannina, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
MICHELINI, Gianfranco, Medico
MICOUD, Yoanna, Psychologist
MIDON, Christophe, Dir. Com.
MIGAZZI, Maurizio, Medico geriatra
MIL, Michel, Technician
MILLER, Patrick, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
MILLOT, Lydia, General Delegate Foundation
MIRGUET, Jean, Psychologist, Psychoanalyst
MITCHELL, Stéphane, Screenwriter
MOCH, Isabelle, Clinical Psychologist
MOLINARD, Agnès, Psychologist
MONDUIT DE CAUSSADE, Camille, Psychologist
MONIER, Claire, Nurse
MONIER, Luce, Psychoanalyst
MONTIGNY, Anne, Psychologist
MOSBAH, Christian, Psychoanalyst Psychiatrist
MOSCOVITZ, Jean-Jacques, Psychoanalyst psychiatrist
MOSSANG, Delphine, Therapist
MOUQUET, Cyril, Teacher
MOUTHUY, Laetitia, Psychologist
MYR, Bruno, Retired teacher
NACCACHE, Hélène, Psychologist
NAEIJE, Robert, Doctor
NAEIJE, Robert, Internist
NASSIF, Jacques, Psychoanalyst
NASTASIE, Paula, child psychiatrist
NAWAWI, Evelyne, Trainer
NÉEL, Alain, Retirement
NERA, Daniel, Doctor
NEUBURGER, Robert, Psychiatrist, couple and family therapist
NEPHEU, Monique, Retired
NICAISE, Evelyne, Retired
NICAUD, Gérard, Journalist
NOBÉCOURT, Laurence, Writer
NORMIER, Claire, Engineer
NOTTEGHEM, Jean Loup, Retired Professor of Agronomy
OLIVE, Laurence, Human relations consultant
OLIVE, Vincent, Teacher
ORSATELLI, Florian, Jobseeker
OULAHBIB, Lucien, Teacher, author
OULAHBIB, Lucien, Teacher, sociologist, political scientist, author
OUSFANE, Leila, Mom
OYHENARD, Céline, Specialized educator
PACHECO, Carlos, Clinical Psychologist
PAGANUZZI, Elisabetta, Medico
Pages, Christopher
PAIMPARAY, Philomene, Clinical Psychologist
PALOT, Christian, Retired
PARDON, Christelle, Psychologist
PASCAL, Véronique, Executive Assistant
PASSERINI GLAZEL, Giacomo, Pensionato
PASTUREL, Jean-François, Honorary Academy Inspector
PATOUILLARD, Régis, Psychiatrist
PATRON, Marie-Claude, Psychotherapist
PATTERSON, Lee, Journalist
PATUREL, Jean-Luc, General practitioner
PAULSEN, Anne, Pediatric endocrinologist
PAULSEN, Anne, Pediatric endocrinologist
PAUTRET-HOMERVILLE, Caroline, Archaeologist
PEDIC, Anita,
PEDIC, Anita, Receptionist
PEEL, Olivier, Teacher
PELLETIER, Dominique,
PELLICCIA, Manuela, Project Manager
PELRAS MEGAÏDES, Anne Virginie, Professor of Literature
PENSO, Alexandra, Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist
PEREIRA, Nathalie, Engineer
PEREIRA, Nathalie, Engineer
PEREZ, Isabel, Professor
PERL, Maud, Stylist
PERLMUTTER, François, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
PERRET, Sophie, Executive
PERRET, Sophie, Senior Civil Service Executive
PERRIN, Claire, Psychologist
PERRU, Laurent, Psychotherapist
PESTUREAU, Catherine, Psychological nurse
PETOT, Véronique, Consultant
PEYRIN, Gilles
PEYRIN, Gilles, retired professor
PFISTER CLIQUET, Monique, Clinical Psychologist
PHILIPPE DUROUX, Marie-Françoise, Psychoanalyst SPP
PICHEVIN-HARRISON, Laëtitia, Researcher
PIGAGLIO, Odile, Psychiatrist
PINA, Celine, Journalist
PINAULT, Laetitia, Psychologist
PIRIOU-BAVOUX, Odile, Psychoanalyst
PIZON, Catherine, Retired Educ. Nat.
PLA, Fréderic, Political Advisor
FLAT, Noelle
DISH, Noelle,
PLAZA, Pascal, Research Scientist
POGLIO, Henriette, Artist and Psychoanalyst
POINT, Sébastien, Doctor in physics, degree in psychology
POITRENAUD LAMESI, Brigitte, Teacher-researcher
PONCET, Claire, Psychologist
DOOR, Justine, Beautician
POTIN-KAHN, Dominique, Psychologist psychotherapist
PRADA ALLO, Esther, Retired
PRAX, Sandrine, Speech therapist
PRESBER, Caroline, Lawyer
PRETO, Marie, Psychoanalyst
PRIETO, Jean-Claude, Retired
PRINCELLE, Catherine, Psychologist Psychoanalyst
PROFIZI, Jean-françois, Retired
PRON, Bénédicte, Doctor
PROTAT_MADAR, Helene, retired pediatrician
PYRAT, Jacques, Webmaster
PYRAT, Mathilde, Medical student
PYRAT, Muriel, Student
PYRAT, Raphaël, Student in engineering school
QUÉHEILLARD, Jean-Louis, Psychoanalyst Psychologist
QUEIROZ, Telma, Psychoanalyst
QUEYROUX, Yves, Musician
QUINIO, Gilles, Professor
QUIRING, Wolfram, Pastor
RABINOVITCH, Gerard, CRPMS Researcher
RAETH, Myriam, Building Designer
RAFFAILLAC, Alix, Professor
RAITH, Hada, Consultant
RAMON, Catherine, retired magistrate
RAMÓN, Quirós, Social Trabajador
RANIERI, Nicole, Retired specialist teacher from EN
RANVIER, Marie-Edith, Lawyer
RASHIDOVA, Karine, Translator
RATTIN, Marie Helene, Communications Officer
RAVANEL, Laurence, Psychoanalyst
RECHNITZER, Marie, Retired
REGAZZACCI, Delphine, Family assistant
REGGANE, Sabine, Retired Local Mission Director
REISINGER, Deborah, Professor
REMERMIER, Catherine, Retired Psychologist
RENARD, Clotilde, Work Psychologist
RENARD, Pierre, Psychoanalyst, Master Hypnotherapist
RESPINTI, Marco, Journalist
RETAILLEU, Anne, Clinical Psychologist
REVERCHON, Damien, Relational psychotherapist/ Art therapist/ Psychoanalyst
REVEYRAND-COULON, Odile, Honorary Lecturer in Psychology
RIAUX, Anne, Teacher
RICHIN, Benoit Richin, Prevention actor
RINCON, Philippe, VP Digital
RINEAU, Pascal, Retired
RITOURET, Brigitte, Speech therapist
RIUTORT, Maryse, Psychologist, Psychoanalyst
ROBERTS, Samia, Teacher
Robertson, Tara
ROBIN, Arnaud, Sales Director
ROCHE, Dolores, Retired
ROGER, Emmanuel, Psychoanalyst
ROLAND, Leon, retired
ROLLET, Odile, child psychiatrist
ROMON, Tatiana, Project Manager, European Union
ROSIER, Anne, Business Manager
ROSIER, Anne, Business Manager
ROSSINELLI, Michel, Lawyer
ROSSINELLI, Michel, Dr. in Law, Lawyer
ROUAULT PLANTAZ, Véronique, Doctor
ROUL, Louanna, Political science student
ROUMEAS, Anne, Psychomotrician
ROUSSEAU, Armelle, Psychologist
ROUSEL, Madeleine
ROUX, Jean-Philippe, Retired
ROUX, Madeleine, Painter
ROUYER, Vincent, child psychiatrist
ROYER, Florence, Computer scientist
RUBILIANI, Claudio, University Biologist
RUBIO, Clemence, Psychiatrist
RUFIN, Solange, Psychiatric nurse
SABATTE, Béatrice, Teacher
SAINT AUBIN, Natalene, Retired
SAINTE CATHERINE, Ghislaine, Psychologist
SALKOFF, Séléna, Clinical Psychologist
SALMON, Julien, Nurse
SALVAING, Emmanuelle, Teacher
SAMBO, Benedict
SANCHEZ, Christian, Consultant
SANNA, Corinne, CIP
SANTAGOSTINI, Anne, Psychiatrist
SANTILLI, Francesco, scientist
SANTOS ASSUNÇAO, Larissa, Psychologist
SANTOS, Astrid, Psychologist
SARDANO, Lætitia, Psychologist
SARDAT, Mireille, child psychiatrist
SAUVAGEOT, Maud, Psychoanalyst
SCEMAMA, Martine, Lawyer
SCHAEFFER, Jacqueline, Psychoanalyst SPP
SCHAEFFER, Nathalie, psychoanalytic psychologist
SCHARLING, Lene, Psychoanalyst, philosopher, psychotherapist
SCHAUDER, Claude, Psychoanalyst, Former Associate University Professor
SCHENKER, Lydia, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
SCHIDLOW, Joshka, Journalist
SCHMELTZ, Thierry, Clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst
SCHMINKE, Frederick, English teacher
SCHOUTEDEN, Nele, Manager
SCHWALBERG, Edith, Psychoanalyst
SEDANO, Christine,
SEFIANI, Nour-Mathilde, Psychologist
SEGRÉ, Inès, Psychologist, psychoanalyst
SEGRÉ, Martine, Psychologist, psychoanalyst
SEGURA MARTÍN, Lorenza Maria, Funcionaria
SELVA, Michel, Psychologist
SEPTIER, Claude, Clinical Psychologist
SERRERO, Francoise, Ethnologist
SERVOUSE, Pascale SERVOUSE, Clinical Psychologist
SEVENO, Nadine,
SEVENO, Nadine, Teacher
SIGNAT, Catherine, retired pharmacist
SILVA, Cleisson, Contador
SIMON, Brigitte, Clinical Psychologist
SIMON, Tanguy, PhD student
SIMONATI, Cristina, Medico
SIMPERE, Axelle, Psychologist
SIROIS, Michele,
SLUSAREK, Lucie, endocrinology intern
SPEDINI, Francesca, Medico
SPODEK SHAYEVITZ, Corinne, Psychoanalyst
SPOLJAR, Philippe, Teacher-researcher in clinical psychology
STEIMER, Frederic, Entrepreneur
STEVENNE, Marie, Journalist
SUÁREZ-BÁRCENA, Amparo, Actualmente jubilada
SWIERCZ, Jean Luc, Retired School Director
SZEJER, Myriam, child psychiatrist
SZTALRYD, Jean-Marie, Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst
TABONE-WEIL, Dominique, Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst
TAIEB, Anne-Charlotte, Teacher
TAIEB, Julien, Doctor
TANIELI, Ishmael, Priest
TELEGAT, Narcisa, Orthodontist
TEN HAVE, Julia, Student in Psychology
TERRIEN, Frédéric, Technician
TERRIER, Angèle, Psychologist
TEXIER, Yves, Honorary Lecturer
THEVENET, Laurent, Farmer
THEWISSEN, Dominique, Psychotherapist
TIMSIT-TAIEB, Sonia, Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst
TIMSIT, Sylvie, Retired
TONA, Salvatore, Director of care establishment for children and adolescents
TONON, Sonia, Early Childhood Educator
TORRI, Daniele, Medico
TOT, Caroline, Psychoanalyst
TREILLES, Jean Noel, Retired
TREZEUX, Guy, retired
TROESTLER, Maria, Craftsman
TROUVÉ, Julien, Clinical Psychologist
TUDEAU-CLAYTON, Margaret, Emeritus Professor
TUFFERY, Cécile, Professor of Letters
TURKISH, Christiane, Retirement
TURINE, Francis, Psychologist
VACQUIN, Monette, Psychoanalyst, writer
VADON, Mathieu, IT Developer
VADON, Mathieu, IT Developer
VALES, Karine, Teaching
VALLIN, Veronique, Nurse
VAN HERLE, Sebastian, Student
VAN PRAET, Michel, Emeritus Professor
VAN RANSBEECK, Valerie, Child psychiatrist
VANESSON, Bérénice, Clinical Psychologist
VANIER, Catherine, Psychologist, psychoanalyst
VEISSIERE, Samuel, Anthropologist, professor of psychiatry
VELLAY, Aliénor, Pharmacist
VERAQUIN, Sophie, Teacher
VERDICKT, Huguette,
VERON, Anne, Retired
VIAL, Claude, Manager
VIAL, Florence, Consultant
Viala, George
VIDAL, Pascale, Psychoanalyst
VIEILLE, Jérôme Pascal, Psychoanalyst
VIGOUROUX, Carole, Psychologist, psychoanalyst
VIJGEN, Jörgen,
VILLANI, Paolo, Medico
VILLARET, Florence, Clinical Psychologist
VILLEMARD, Lydie, Retired Management Staff
VIRET, Martine, Retired
VISIOLI, Maryse,
VITACCA, Michele, Medico
VITRY, Maëlle, independent
VIVIANI, Giovanni, Medico
VOISINNE, Alain, Psychoanalyst
VOYENNE, Christine, Psychoanalyst
VUKOJEVIĆ, Sonja, Psychologist
WEBER, Anna, Mother
WEISS, Jacques, Psychoanalyst Psychiatrist
WEISZ, Marie, Psychologist
WILKIN, Jean-Paul, Religious
WINTER, Florence, Psychologist
WINTER, Jean-PIerre, Psychoanalyst
WITH, Stéphane, Psychologist psychotherapist
YERSIN, Jacques, Asbestos Expert
ZAÏDI, Claire, Systems Engineer
ZARD, Philippe, teacher
ZEEGERS, Anne-Christine, Child psychiatrist hospital practitioner
ZEMLIAC, Laurent, Head of School
ZIT, Meryam, Trainee school teacher
ZITTOUN, Catherine, child psychiatrist
ZUCCA, Sylvie, Psychiatrist