Gender as the New Language of Teen Rebellion
Sapere Aude !
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Horace (épître, I,2,40)
Pour trouver un article précis, saisissez des mots-clés dans la barre de recherche ci-dessous. Vous obtiendrez tous les articles contenant les termes indiqués.
Lawsuits by Regretful ‘Detransitioners’
Social media influencers and adolescents’ health: A scoping review of the research field
Psychological Outcomes of 12–15-Year-Olds with Gender Dysphoria Receiving Pubertal Suppression
Detransition and Desistance Among Previously Trans-Identified Young Adults
Exploring the gender care experiences and perspectives of individuals who discontinued their transition or detransitioned in Canada
Have the psychiatric needs of people seeking gender reassignment changed as their numbers increase?
Adolescent development and psychosocial functioning after starting cross-sex hormones
Two years of gender identity service for minors
Hormonal and surgical treatment for gender dysphoria in young people– beneficial or not?
Royaume-Uni : L’utilisation de bloqueurs de puberté a doublé
Une nouvelle fuite de la féminité ?